
Dataset info

Number of variables 49
Number of observations 509762
Total Missing (%) 1.1%
Total size in memory 190.6 MiB
Average record size in memory 392.0 B

Variables types

Numeric 22
Categorical 24
Boolean 0
Date 0
Text (Unique) 0
Rejected 3
Unsupported 0


  • Dis is highly correlated with S (ρ = 0.93002) Rejected
  • DisplayName has a high cardinality: 2230 distinct values Warning
  • FieldPosition has 6424 / 1.3% missing values Missing
  • GameClock has a high cardinality: 901 distinct values Warning
  • GameWeather has 43648 / 8.6% missing values Missing
  • GameWeather has a high cardinality: 62 distinct values Warning
  • HomeScoreBeforePlay has 121418 / 23.8% zeros Zeros
  • Humidity has 45254 / 8.9% zeros Zeros
  • Humidity has 6160 / 1.2% missing values Missing
  • Location has a high cardinality: 60 distinct values Warning
  • OffensePersonnel has a high cardinality: 56 distinct values Warning
  • PlayId is highly correlated with GameId (ρ = 1) Rejected
  • PlayerBirthDate has a high cardinality: 1688 distinct values Warning
  • PlayerCollegeName has a high cardinality: 301 distinct values Warning
  • Season is highly correlated with PlayId (ρ = 0.99975) Rejected
  • Stadium has a high cardinality: 55 distinct values Warning
  • StadiumType has 32934 / 6.5% missing values Missing
  • Temperature has 48532 / 9.5% missing values Missing
  • TimeHandoff has a high cardinality: 22935 distinct values Warning
  • TimeSnap has a high cardinality: 22943 distinct values Warning
  • VisitorScoreBeforePlay has 142516 / 28.0% zeros Zeros
  • WindDirection has 80234 / 15.7% missing values Missing
  • WindDirection has a high cardinality: 54 distinct values Warning
  • WindSpeed has 67430 / 13.2% missing values Missing
  • WindSpeed has a high cardinality: 59 distinct values Warning
  • Yards has 47190 / 9.3% zeros Zeros



Distinct count 903
Unique (%) 0.2%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 1.6832
Minimum 0
Maximum 14.71
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0
5-th percentile 0.37
Q1 0.94
Median 1.54
Q3 2.29
95-th percentile 3.42
Maximum 14.71
Range 14.71
Interquartile range 1.35

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 0.97641
Coef of variation 0.5801
Kurtosis 2.0165
Mean 1.6832
MAD 0.77861
Skewness 0.94276
Sum 858020
Variance 0.95338
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
1.01 2235 0.4%
1.1 2226 0.4%
1.07 2223 0.4%
1.11 2210 0.4%
0.96 2208 0.4%
1.16 2208 0.4%
1.22 2205 0.4%
1.0 2202 0.4%
1.26 2202 0.4%
1.06 2199 0.4%
Other values (893) 487644 95.7%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0.0 146 0.0%
0.01 79 0.0%
0.02 166 0.0%
0.03 194 0.0%
0.04 247 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
11.64 1 0.0%
11.79 1 0.0%
12.09 1 0.0%
12.39 1 0.0%
14.71 1 0.0%


Distinct count 12
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 66
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 6.943
Minimum 1
Maximum 11
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1
5-th percentile 6
Q1 6
Median 7
Q3 8
95-th percentile 8
Maximum 11
Range 10
Interquartile range 2

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 0.99113
Coef of variation 0.14275
Kurtosis 1.8631
Mean 6.943
MAD 0.71617
Skewness 0.54717
Sum 3538800
Variance 0.98234
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
7.0 208516 40.9%
6.0 152526 29.9%
8.0 109362 21.5%
5.0 15048 3.0%
9.0 13442 2.6%
10.0 4114 0.8%
11.0 3652 0.7%
4.0 2596 0.5%
3.0 396 0.1%
1.0 22 0.0%
(Missing) 66 0.0%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1.0 22 0.0%
2.0 22 0.0%
3.0 396 0.1%
4.0 2596 0.5%
5.0 15048 3.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
7.0 208516 40.9%
8.0 109362 21.5%
9.0 13442 2.6%
10.0 4114 0.8%
11.0 3652 0.7%


Distinct count 38
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
4 DL, 2 LB, 5 DB
4 DL, 3 LB, 4 DB
3 DL, 4 LB, 4 DB
Other values (35)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
4 DL, 2 LB, 5 DB 139876 27.4%
4 DL, 3 LB, 4 DB 136510 26.8%
3 DL, 4 LB, 4 DB 80432 15.8%
2 DL, 4 LB, 5 DB 56936 11.2%
3 DL, 3 LB, 5 DB 48884 9.6%
2 DL, 3 LB, 6 DB 11638 2.3%
4 DL, 1 LB, 6 DB 9196 1.8%
4 DL, 4 LB, 3 DB 5214 1.0%
3 DL, 2 LB, 6 DB 4246 0.8%
5 DL, 2 LB, 4 DB 3542 0.7%
Other values (28) 13288 2.6%


Distinct count 36002
Unique (%) 7.1%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 14
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 179.93
Minimum 0
Maximum 360
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0
5-th percentile 12.93
Q1 89.83
Median 180.09
Q3 270.19
95-th percentile 347.08
Maximum 360
Range 360
Interquartile range 180.36

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 106.32
Coef of variation 0.59088
Kurtosis -1.1423
Mean 179.93
MAD 90.163
Skewness -0.00010005
Sum 91721000
Variance 11304
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
356.43 38 0.0%
190.68 38 0.0%
185.95 36 0.0%
359.71 35 0.0%
14.35 35 0.0%
357.86 35 0.0%
357.37 34 0.0%
180.37 34 0.0%
6.86 34 0.0%
4.28 34 0.0%
Other values (35991) 509395 99.9%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0.0 12 0.0%
0.01 22 0.0%
0.02 16 0.0%
0.03 25 0.0%
0.04 28 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
359.96 15 0.0%
359.97 18 0.0%
359.98 19 0.0%
359.99 24 0.0%
360.0 7 0.0%

Highly correlated

This variable is highly correlated with S and should be ignored for analysis

Correlation 0.93002


Distinct count 2230
Unique (%) 0.4%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Michael Thomas
Joe Thuney
Tom Brady
Other values (2227)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
Michael Thomas 847 0.2%
Joe Thuney 847 0.2%
Tom Brady 823 0.2%
Rob Havenstein 797 0.2%
Shaq Mason 796 0.2%
Ha Ha Clinton-Dix 789 0.2%
Patrick Peterson 788 0.2%
David Andrews 781 0.2%
Tahir Whitehead 781 0.2%
Max Unger 780 0.2%
Other values (2220) 501733 98.4%


Distinct count 35
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 8.3292
Minimum 1
Maximum 40
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1
5-th percentile 1
Q1 6
Median 10
Q3 10
95-th percentile 11
Maximum 40
Range 39
Interquartile range 4

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 3.7952
Coef of variation 0.45565
Kurtosis 3.1587
Mean 8.3292
MAD 2.8836
Skewness 0.16347
Sum 4245934
Variance 14.404
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
10 301752 59.2%
1 41954 8.2%
5 20042 3.9%
2 19888 3.9%
4 17930 3.5%
6 17226 3.4%
3 16940 3.3%
7 16324 3.2%
8 15642 3.1%
9 13046 2.6%
Other values (25) 29018 5.7%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 41954 8.2%
2 19888 3.9%
3 16940 3.3%
4 17930 3.5%
5 20042 3.9%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
31 44 0.0%
33 66 0.0%
34 22 0.0%
35 66 0.0%
40 66 0.0%


Distinct count 4
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 1.5207
Minimum 1
Maximum 4
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1
5-th percentile 1
Q1 1
Median 1
Q3 2
95-th percentile 3
Maximum 4
Range 3
Interquartile range 1

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 0.67499
Coef of variation 0.44388
Kurtosis 0.59647
Mean 1.5207
MAD 0.59784
Skewness 1.0908
Sum 775170
Variance 0.45561
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 292666 57.4%
2 172986 33.9%
3 39908 7.8%
4 4202 0.8%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 292666 57.4%
2 172986 33.9%
3 39908 7.8%
4 4202 0.8%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 292666 57.4%
2 172986 33.9%
3 39908 7.8%
4 4202 0.8%


Distinct count 33
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 1.3%
Missing (n) 6424
Other values (29)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
BUF 17468 3.4%
OAK 17182 3.4%
NYG 17160 3.4%
ARZ 17072 3.3%
MIA 16984 3.3%
NYJ 16896 3.3%
CLV 16676 3.3%
CIN 16588 3.3%
DEN 16566 3.2%
SF 16456 3.2%
Other values (22) 334290 65.6%


Distinct count 901
Unique (%) 0.2%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (898)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
15:00:00 14476 2.8%
02:00:00 5236 1.0%
14:54:00 2156 0.4%
14:55:00 1958 0.4%
14:56:00 1276 0.3%
14:20:00 1188 0.2%
14:25:00 1144 0.2%
14:24:00 1078 0.2%
14:53:00 1078 0.2%
14:22:00 1056 0.2%
Other values (891) 479116 94.0%


Distinct count 512
Unique (%) 0.1%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 2017600000
Minimum 2017090700
Maximum 2018123015
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 2017090700
5-th percentile 2017100000
Q1 2017100000
Median 2017100000
Q3 2018100000
95-th percentile 2018100000
Maximum 2018123015
Range 1032315
Interquartile range 999900

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 499710
Coef of variation 0.00024768
Kurtosis -1.995
Mean 2017600000
MAD 499400
Skewness 0.054325
Sum 1028492972199814
Variance 249710000000
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
2017121000 1870 0.4%
2017101501 1628 0.3%
2017100108 1452 0.3%
2017092100 1386 0.3%
2017091002 1386 0.3%
2017110504 1386 0.3%
2018111807 1386 0.3%
2018100700 1342 0.3%
2018123014 1342 0.3%
2018090901 1342 0.3%
Other values (502) 495242 97.2%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
2017090700 1144 0.2%
2017091000 968 0.2%
2017091001 836 0.2%
2017091002 1386 0.3%
2017091003 726 0.1%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
2018123011 924 0.2%
2018123012 858 0.2%
2018123013 1056 0.2%
2018123014 1342 0.3%
2018123015 1232 0.2%


Distinct count 62
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 8.6%
Missing (n) 43648
Partly Cloudy
Other values (58)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
Cloudy 114466 22.5%
Sunny 105028 20.6%
Partly Cloudy 46068 9.0%
Clear 44264 8.7%
Rain 18898 3.7%
Mostly Cloudy 18216 3.6%
Controlled Climate 12540 2.5%
N/A (Indoors) 10868 2.1%
Indoor 6182 1.2%
Mostly Sunny 5918 1.2%
Other values (51) 83666 16.4%
(Missing) 43648 8.6%


Distinct count 50
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 11.148
Minimum 0
Maximum 57
Zeros (%) 23.8%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0
5-th percentile 0
Q1 3
Median 9
Q3 17
95-th percentile 31
Maximum 57
Range 57
Interquartile range 14

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 10.277
Coef of variation 0.92187
Kurtosis 0.58394
Mean 11.148
MAD 8.3502
Skewness 0.95029
Sum 5682864
Variance 105.62
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
0 121418 23.8%
7 63514 12.5%
10 41602 8.2%
3 41228 8.1%
14 32956 6.5%
17 28754 5.6%
13 18700 3.7%
6 17534 3.4%
20 16368 3.2%
24 15114 3.0%
Other values (40) 112574 22.1%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0 121418 23.8%
2 1386 0.3%
3 41228 8.1%
6 17534 3.4%
7 63514 12.5%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
48 484 0.1%
51 132 0.0%
52 418 0.1%
54 176 0.0%
57 110 0.0%


Distinct count 32
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (29)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
SF 17402 3.4%
NYG 17336 3.4%
NE 17248 3.4%
BUF 17204 3.4%
BAL 17094 3.4%
SEA 16962 3.3%
CIN 16588 3.3%
IND 16544 3.2%
DEN 16478 3.2%
OAK 16456 3.2%
Other values (22) 340450 66.8%


Distinct count 87
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 1.2%
Missing (n) 6160
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 55.646
Minimum 0
Maximum 100
Zeros (%) 8.9%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0
5-th percentile 0
Q1 43
Median 59
Q3 71
95-th percentile 92
Maximum 100
Range 100
Interquartile range 28

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 25.431
Coef of variation 0.45701
Kurtosis -0.0064726
Mean 55.646
MAD 19.757
Skewness -0.70864
Sum 28023000
Variance 646.73
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
0.0 45254 8.9%
70.0 28908 5.7%
56.0 13420 2.6%
67.0 13288 2.6%
42.0 12782 2.5%
62.0 12738 2.5%
58.0 12562 2.5%
59.0 12034 2.4%
63.0 11946 2.3%
76.0 10912 2.1%
Other values (76) 329758 64.7%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0.0 45254 8.9%
7.0 968 0.2%
8.0 2024 0.4%
10.0 2332 0.5%
13.0 1122 0.2%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
95.0 2816 0.6%
96.0 4290 0.8%
97.0 4158 0.8%
98.0 2156 0.4%
100.0 4158 0.8%


Distinct count 99
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 54.188
Minimum 1
Maximum 99
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1
5-th percentile 11
Q1 26
Median 56
Q3 78
95-th percentile 96
Maximum 99
Range 98
Interquartile range 52

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 28.379
Coef of variation 0.52372
Kurtosis -1.3111
Mean 54.188
MAD 24.929
Skewness -0.074613
Sum 27622974
Variance 805.39
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
21 11158 2.2%
23 10072 2.0%
90 9164 1.8%
26 9115 1.8%
24 8899 1.7%
77 8630 1.7%
98 8613 1.7%
94 8375 1.6%
71 8205 1.6%
93 8023 1.6%
Other values (89) 419508 82.3%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 592 0.1%
2 997 0.2%
3 2147 0.4%
4 2546 0.5%
5 1881 0.4%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
95 6717 1.3%
96 5737 1.1%
97 7819 1.5%
98 8613 1.7%
99 7755 1.5%


Distinct count 60
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
East Rutherford, NJ
Santa Clara, CA
Indianapolis, Ind.
Other values (57)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
East Rutherford, NJ 30096 5.9%
Santa Clara, CA 17402 3.4%
Indianapolis, Ind. 16544 3.2%
Denver, CO 16478 3.2%
Glendale, AZ 16434 3.2%
Minneapolis, MN 16170 3.2%
Baltimore, Md. 16016 3.1%
Nashville, TN 15862 3.1%
Orchard Park NY 15488 3.0%
Landover, MD 15356 3.0%
Other values (50) 333916 65.5%


Distinct count 2231
Unique (%) 0.4%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 2344700
Minimum 222
Maximum 2561671
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 222
5-th percentile 496730
Q1 2532900
Median 2543800
Q3 2555300
95-th percentile 2560700
Maximum 2561671
Range 2561449
Interquartile range 22478

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 641890
Coef of variation 0.27376
Kurtosis 7.0182
Mean 2344700
MAD 360250
Skewness -2.9786
Sum 1195240439807
Variance 412020000000
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
2555281 847 0.2%
2504211 823 0.2%
2552363 797 0.2%
2552563 796 0.2%
2543470 789 0.2%
2495504 788 0.2%
2532986 781 0.2%
2553632 781 0.2%
71493 780 0.2%
2557979 776 0.2%
Other values (2221) 501804 98.4%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
222 5 0.0%
234 91 0.0%
238 179 0.0%
252 25 0.0%
262 46 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
2561544 60 0.0%
2561624 6 0.0%
2561644 3 0.0%
2561653 49 0.0%
2561671 20 0.0%


Distinct count 371
Unique (%) 0.1%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 2419200
Minimum 234
Maximum 2561468
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 234
5-th percentile 497150
Q1 2540000
Median 2552600
Q3 2558000
95-th percentile 2560800
Maximum 2561468
Range 2561234
Interquartile range 17965

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 535780
Coef of variation 0.22147
Kurtosis 14.354
Mean 2419200
MAD 239330
Skewness -4.025
Sum 1233218174034
Variance 287060000000
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
2555224 11814 2.3%
2552475 11726 2.3%
2555418 11396 2.2%
2552469 10010 2.0%
2557917 9900 1.9%
2533034 9768 1.9%
79607 9658 1.9%
2557976 9064 1.8%
2543743 8998 1.8%
2506404 8954 1.8%
Other values (361) 408474 80.1%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
234 1958 0.4%
262 990 0.2%
284 22 0.0%
925 1628 0.3%
949 4466 0.9%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
2561291 132 0.0%
2561324 3014 0.6%
2561358 22 0.0%
2561382 242 0.0%
2561468 22 0.0%


Distinct count 9
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 110
Other values (5)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
SINGLEBACK 225434 44.2%
SHOTGUN 150964 29.6%
I_FORM 106062 20.8%
PISTOL 13420 2.6%
JUMBO 11462 2.2%
WILDCAT 1782 0.3%
EMPTY 506 0.1%
ACE 22 0.0%
(Missing) 110 0.0%


Distinct count 56
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR
1 RB, 2 TE, 2 WR
2 RB, 1 TE, 2 WR
Other values (53)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR 232958 45.7%
1 RB, 2 TE, 2 WR 114092 22.4%
2 RB, 1 TE, 2 WR 53636 10.5%
1 RB, 3 TE, 1 WR 31306 6.1%
2 RB, 2 TE, 1 WR 25828 5.1%
6 OL, 1 RB, 2 TE, 1 WR 9680 1.9%
6 OL, 1 RB, 1 TE, 2 WR 8426 1.7%
6 OL, 2 RB, 1 TE, 1 WR 5896 1.2%
6 OL, 2 RB, 2 TE, 0 WR 3762 0.7%
2 RB, 0 TE, 3 WR 3454 0.7%
Other values (46) 20724 4.1%


Distinct count 36002
Unique (%) 7.1%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 18
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 180.25
Minimum 0
Maximum 360
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0
5-th percentile 15.51
Q1 90.63
Median 179.7
Q3 270.4
95-th percentile 344.54
Maximum 360
Range 360
Interquartile range 179.77

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 104.3
Coef of variation 0.57864
Kurtosis -1.1815
Mean 180.25
MAD 89.937
Skewness 0.00084634
Sum 91880000
Variance 10878
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
90.0 237 0.0%
177.2 35 0.0%
276.64 34 0.0%
5.41 34 0.0%
87.71 33 0.0%
89.33 32 0.0%
190.6 32 0.0%
355.3 31 0.0%
271.8 31 0.0%
91.71 31 0.0%
Other values (35991) 509214 99.9%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0.0 12 0.0%
0.01 19 0.0%
0.02 22 0.0%
0.03 28 0.0%
0.04 14 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
359.96 20 0.0%
359.97 21 0.0%
359.98 14 0.0%
359.99 23 0.0%
360.0 8 0.0%


Distinct count 2
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Value Count Frequency (%)  
left 256454 50.3%
right 253308 49.7%

Highly correlated

This variable is highly correlated with GameId and should be ignored for analysis

Correlation 1


Distinct count 1688
Unique (%) 0.3%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (1685)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
04/23/1991 1602 0.3%
12/29/1989 1562 0.3%
05/13/1992 1556 0.3%
04/26/1989 1545 0.3%
06/08/1989 1458 0.3%
01/11/1990 1456 0.3%
03/22/1989 1412 0.3%
06/14/1993 1354 0.3%
01/01/1991 1340 0.3%
11/29/1988 1320 0.3%
Other values (1678) 495157 97.1%


Distinct count 301
Unique (%) 0.1%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Ohio State
Louisiana State
Other values (298)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
Alabama 16174 3.2%
Ohio State 13984 2.7%
Louisiana State 12211 2.4%
Florida 11775 2.3%
Georgia 11686 2.3%
Florida State 10482 2.1%
Notre Dame 9922 1.9%
Clemson 9076 1.8%
Oklahoma 8500 1.7%
Stanford 8497 1.7%
Other values (291) 397455 78.0%


Distinct count 16
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (13)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
6-3 81694 16.0%
6-4 66603 13.1%
6-5 62913 12.3%
6-1 61729 12.1%
6-2 52893 10.4%
6-0 50531 9.9%
5-11 39361 7.7%
6-6 34650 6.8%
5-10 24596 4.8%
6-7 13076 2.6%
Other values (6) 21716 4.3%


Distinct count 182
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 253.55
Minimum 153
Maximum 380
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 153
5-th percentile 190
Q1 210
Median 245
Q3 305
95-th percentile 327
Maximum 380
Range 227
Interquartile range 95

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 48.367
Coef of variation 0.19076
Kurtosis -1.3246
Mean 253.55
MAD 42.654
Skewness 0.23009
Sum 129252392
Variance 2339.4
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
315 15945 3.1%
215 14377 2.8%
310 14236 2.8%
195 12330 2.4%
305 12173 2.4%
320 11653 2.3%
190 11481 2.3%
300 10657 2.1%
250 10355 2.0%
205 10006 2.0%
Other values (172) 386549 75.8%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
153 5 0.0%
159 43 0.0%
160 213 0.0%
167 441 0.1%
168 65 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
350 969 0.2%
351 24 0.0%
352 633 0.1%
358 4 0.0%
380 650 0.1%


Distinct count 25
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (22)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
CB 56686 11.1%
WR 53325 10.5%
G 42114 8.3%
T 42046 8.2%
DE 35890 7.0%
DT 35637 7.0%
OLB 34110 6.7%
TE 33237 6.5%
FS 24607 4.8%
C 24062 4.7%
Other values (15) 128048 25.1%


Distinct count 32
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (29)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
NE 18700 3.7%
LA 17952 3.5%
BLT 17864 3.5%
NO 17490 3.4%
JAX 17490 3.4%
SEA 17094 3.4%
DAL 16918 3.3%
HST 16764 3.3%
MIN 16742 3.3%
LAC 16698 3.3%
Other values (22) 336050 65.9%


Distinct count 5
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 2.5046
Minimum 1
Maximum 5
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1
5-th percentile 1
Q1 1
Median 3
Q3 4
95-th percentile 4
Maximum 5
Range 4
Interquartile range 3

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 1.1441
Coef of variation 0.45679
Kurtosis -1.3146
Mean 2.5046
MAD 1.022
Skewness 0.041259
Sum 1276770
Variance 1.309
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 132066 25.9%
4 126434 24.8%
3 125026 24.5%
2 122430 24.0%
5 3806 0.7%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 132066 25.9%
2 122430 24.0%
3 125026 24.5%
4 126434 24.8%
5 3806 0.7%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 132066 25.9%
2 122430 24.0%
3 125026 24.5%
4 126434 24.8%
5 3806 0.7%


Distinct count 884
Unique (%) 0.2%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 2.5919
Minimum 0
Maximum 9.41
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0
5-th percentile 0.58
Q1 1.5
Median 2.47
Q3 3.56
95-th percentile 4.98
Maximum 9.41
Range 9.41
Interquartile range 2.06

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 1.3836
Coef of variation 0.53381
Kurtosis -0.12406
Mean 2.5919
MAD 1.1383
Skewness 0.47483
Sum 1321300
Variance 1.9144
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
1.6 1440 0.3%
1.88 1398 0.3%
1.99 1397 0.3%
1.81 1393 0.3%
1.62 1392 0.3%
2.1 1378 0.3%
1.94 1376 0.3%
2.02 1374 0.3%
1.66 1364 0.3%
1.77 1362 0.3%
Other values (874) 495888 97.3%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0.0 172 0.0%
0.01 98 0.0%
0.02 153 0.0%
0.03 167 0.0%
0.04 158 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
8.99 1 0.0%
9.01 1 0.0%
9.17 1 0.0%
9.33 1 0.0%
9.41 1 0.0%

Highly correlated

This variable is highly correlated with PlayId and should be ignored for analysis

Correlation 0.99975


Distinct count 55
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
MetLife Stadium
Levis Stadium
Gillette Stadium
Other values (52)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
MetLife Stadium 21054 4.1%
Levis Stadium 17402 3.4%
Gillette Stadium 17248 3.4%
New Era Field 17204 3.4%
Lucas Oil Stadium 16544 3.2%
U.S. Bank Stadium 16170 3.2%
AT&T Stadium 15950 3.1%
Nissan Stadium 15862 3.1%
Mercedes-Benz Superdome 15554 3.1%
Paul Brown Stadium 15444 3.0%
Other values (45) 341330 67.0%


Distinct count 30
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 6.5%
Missing (n) 32934
Other values (26)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
Outdoor 267696 52.5%
Outdoors 67474 13.2%
Indoors 40854 8.0%
Dome 17336 3.4%
Indoor 16148 3.2%
Retractable Roof 15884 3.1%
Open 9614 1.9%
Retr. Roof-Closed 7172 1.4%
Retr. Roof - Closed 6446 1.3%
Domed, closed 5918 1.2%
Other values (19) 22286 4.4%
(Missing) 32934 6.5%


Distinct count 2
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Value Count Frequency (%)  
home 254881 50.0%
away 254881 50.0%


Distinct count 79
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 9.5%
Missing (n) 48532
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 60.436
Minimum 9
Maximum 97
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 9
5-th percentile 31
Q1 48
Median 62
Q3 73
95-th percentile 87
Maximum 97
Range 88
Interquartile range 25

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 17.57
Coef of variation 0.29072
Kurtosis -0.36403
Mean 60.436
MAD 14.464
Skewness -0.39509
Sum 27875000
Variance 308.72
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
68.0 27236 5.3%
72.0 14432 2.8%
61.0 14080 2.8%
70.0 12584 2.5%
62.0 11286 2.2%
60.0 11044 2.2%
71.0 10802 2.1%
46.0 10296 2.0%
80.0 10186 2.0%
48.0 10164 2.0%
Other values (68) 329120 64.6%
(Missing) 48532 9.5%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
9.0 1232 0.2%
10.0 1034 0.2%
11.0 990 0.2%
13.0 1100 0.2%
16.0 1232 0.2%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
89.0 9482 1.9%
90.0 3960 0.8%
91.0 1892 0.4%
92.0 1122 0.2%
97.0 836 0.2%


Distinct count 22935
Unique (%) 4.5%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (22932)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
2018-10-07T17:17:43.000Z 66 0.0%
2018-12-09T20:44:34.000Z 44 0.0%
2017-10-15T21:37:30.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-09-16T21:39:09.000Z 44 0.0%
2017-12-31T20:11:41.000Z 44 0.0%
2017-11-12T20:03:34.000Z 44 0.0%
2017-11-19T20:14:10.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-12-23T23:17:42.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-12-30T21:28:01.000Z 44 0.0%
2017-12-31T21:55:30.000Z 44 0.0%
Other values (22925) 509300 99.9%


Distinct count 22943
Unique (%) 4.5%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (22940)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
2018-10-07T17:17:41.000Z 66 0.0%
2017-12-31T21:55:29.000Z 66 0.0%
2017-11-19T18:27:25.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-12-16T18:46:31.000Z 44 0.0%
2017-09-10T17:46:34.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-12-16T18:43:11.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-09-16T17:26:17.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-11-18T18:18:06.000Z 44 0.0%
2018-11-18T18:21:02.000Z 44 0.0%
2017-12-10T18:04:45.000Z 44 0.0%
Other values (22933) 509278 99.9%


Distinct count 20
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Natural Grass
Field Turf
Other values (17)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
Grass 166276 32.6%
Natural Grass 107096 21.0%
Field Turf 47674 9.4%
Artificial 44484 8.7%
FieldTurf 33198 6.5%
UBU Speed Series-S5-M 32890 6.5%
A-Turf Titan 17204 3.4%
UBU Sports Speed S5-M 8558 1.7%
FieldTurf360 8272 1.6%
DD GrassMaster 8074 1.6%
Other values (10) 36036 7.1%


Distinct count 45
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 9.5011
Minimum 0
Maximum 51
Zeros (%) 28.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0
5-th percentile 0
Q1 0
Median 7
Q3 14
95-th percentile 28
Maximum 51
Range 51
Interquartile range 14

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 9.3664
Coef of variation 0.98583
Kurtosis 0.88471
Mean 9.5011
MAD 7.5409
Skewness 1.0584
Sum 4843278
Variance 87.73
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
0 142516 28.0%
7 63448 12.4%
3 48532 9.5%
10 41228 8.1%
14 28094 5.5%
17 24728 4.9%
13 23012 4.5%
6 21714 4.3%
20 15026 2.9%
21 11528 2.3%
Other values (35) 89936 17.6%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0 142516 28.0%
2 1474 0.3%
3 48532 9.5%
5 550 0.1%
6 21714 4.3%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
42 968 0.2%
44 66 0.0%
45 176 0.0%
48 924 0.2%
51 242 0.0%


Distinct count 32
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Other values (29)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
LA 17864 3.5%
JAX 17072 3.3%
IND 16764 3.3%
LAC 16720 3.3%
DEN 16698 3.3%
OAK 16478 3.2%
TEN 16478 3.2%
NYJ 16390 3.2%
WAS 16390 3.2%
DET 16368 3.2%
Other values (22) 342540 67.2%


Distinct count 17
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 9.0964
Minimum 1
Maximum 17
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1
5-th percentile 1
Q1 5
Median 9
Q3 14
95-th percentile 17
Maximum 17
Range 16
Interquartile range 9

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 5.001
Coef of variation 0.54978
Kurtosis -1.2715
Mean 9.0964
MAD 4.3763
Skewness -0.025069
Sum 4636984
Variance 25.01
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
14 32692 6.4%
17 32516 6.4%
15 32428 6.4%
16 31746 6.2%
13 31636 6.2%
3 31482 6.2%
4 30954 6.1%
1 30558 6.0%
2 30316 5.9%
12 30052 5.9%
Other values (7) 195382 38.3%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 30558 6.0%
2 30316 5.9%
3 31482 6.2%
4 30954 6.1%
5 28886 5.7%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
13 31636 6.2%
14 32692 6.4%
15 32428 6.4%
16 31746 6.2%
17 32516 6.4%


Distinct count 54
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 15.7%
Missing (n) 80234
Other values (50)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
NE 30250 5.9%
NW 27236 5.3%
SW 25828 5.1%
SE 25784 5.1%
WSW 24222 4.8%
N 23188 4.5%
W 22198 4.4%
S 21384 4.2%
NNE 20394 4.0%
South 20328 4.0%
Other values (43) 188716 37.0%
(Missing) 80234 15.7%


Distinct count 59
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 13.2%
Missing (n) 67430
Other values (55)
Value Count Frequency (%)  
5.0 26686 5.2%
7.0 26642 5.2%
5 26598 5.2%
6.0 22800 4.5%
9.0 19920 3.9%
4 19844 3.9%
10.0 19568 3.8%
6 18780 3.7%
8.0 18348 3.6%
2.0 17520 3.4%
Other values (48) 225626 44.3%
(Missing) 67430 13.2%


Distinct count 10890
Unique (%) 2.1%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 60.04
Minimum 0.66
Maximum 116.84
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 0.66
5-th percentile 18.45
Q1 39.09
Median 60.29
Q3 80.97
95-th percentile 101.05
Maximum 116.84
Range 116.18
Interquartile range 41.88

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 25.435
Coef of variation 0.42364
Kurtosis -0.9594
Mean 60.04
MAD 21.68
Skewness -0.018676
Sum 30606000
Variance 646.95
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
85.31 107 0.0%
85.57 105 0.0%
85.03 104 0.0%
85.45 103 0.0%
85.41 103 0.0%
35.43 103 0.0%
84.53 102 0.0%
34.27 102 0.0%
84.65 102 0.0%
84.29 102 0.0%
Other values (10880) 508729 99.8%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
0.66 1 0.0%
1.7 1 0.0%
2.53 1 0.0%
3.07 1 0.0%
3.59 1 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
116.25 1 0.0%
116.31 1 0.0%
116.47 1 0.0%
116.79 1 0.0%
116.84 1 0.0%


Distinct count 4339
Unique (%) 0.9%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 26.784
Minimum 1.85
Maximum 56.45
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1.85
5-th percentile 13.57
Q1 22.73
Median 26.79
Q3 30.86
95-th percentile 39.84
Maximum 56.45
Range 54.6
Interquartile range 8.13

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 7.2382
Coef of variation 0.27025
Kurtosis 0.53525
Mean 26.784
MAD 5.4834
Skewness -0.010044
Sum 13653000
Variance 52.392
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
23.87 384 0.1%
29.77 383 0.1%
25.02 379 0.1%
29.61 377 0.1%
28.32 375 0.1%
26.04 369 0.1%
28.1 369 0.1%
29.53 369 0.1%
28.02 368 0.1%
29.63 366 0.1%
Other values (4329) 506023 99.3%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1.85 1 0.0%
2.69 1 0.0%
2.71 1 0.0%
3.33 1 0.0%
3.35 1 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
49.37 1 0.0%
49.52 1 0.0%
49.75 1 0.0%
49.87 1 0.0%
56.45 1 0.0%


Distinct count 50
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 28.369
Minimum 1
Maximum 50
Zeros (%) 0.0%

Quantile statistics

Minimum 1
5-th percentile 5
Q1 20
Median 29
Q3 39
95-th percentile 48
Maximum 50
Range 49
Interquartile range 19

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 13.011
Coef of variation 0.45864
Kurtosis -0.80562
Mean 28.369
MAD 10.848
Skewness -0.27503
Sum 14461304
Variance 169.28
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
25 42900 8.4%
34 14388 2.8%
40 13882 2.7%
30 13090 2.6%
35 13090 2.6%
20 12914 2.5%
45 12804 2.5%
46 12298 2.4%
36 12254 2.4%
31 12254 2.4%
Other values (40) 349888 68.6%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
1 10406 2.0%
2 5412 1.1%
3 4268 0.8%
4 4774 0.9%
5 4950 1.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
46 12298 2.4%
47 11044 2.2%
48 10846 2.1%
49 11352 2.2%
50 6424 1.3%


Distinct count 94
Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing (%) 0.0%
Missing (n) 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Infinite (n) 0
Mean 4.2123
Minimum -14
Maximum 99
Zeros (%) 9.3%

Quantile statistics

Minimum -14
5-th percentile -2
Q1 1
Median 3
Q3 6
95-th percentile 14
Maximum 99
Range 113
Interquartile range 5

Descriptive statistics

Standard deviation 6.4362
Coef of variation 1.5279
Kurtosis 32.842
Mean 4.2123
MAD 3.8749
Skewness 4.1842
Sum 2147288
Variance 41.424
Memory size 3.9 MiB
Value Count Frequency (%)  
2 65692 12.9%
1 60544 11.9%
3 58652 11.5%
4 51502 10.1%
0 47190 9.3%
5 38742 7.6%
6 26862 5.3%
-1 22792 4.5%
7 20020 3.9%
-2 14674 2.9%
Other values (84) 103092 20.2%

Minimum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
-14 22 0.0%
-12 88 0.0%
-11 44 0.0%
-10 88 0.0%
-9 176 0.0%

Maximum 5 values

Value Count Frequency (%)  
87 22 0.0%
90 44 0.0%
92 22 0.0%
97 22 0.0%
99 22 0.0%



GameId PlayId Team X Y S A Dis Orientation Dir NflId DisplayName JerseyNumber Season YardLine Quarter GameClock PossessionTeam Down Distance FieldPosition HomeScoreBeforePlay VisitorScoreBeforePlay NflIdRusher OffenseFormation OffensePersonnel DefendersInTheBox DefensePersonnel PlayDirection TimeHandoff TimeSnap Yards PlayerHeight PlayerWeight PlayerBirthDate PlayerCollegeName Position HomeTeamAbbr VisitorTeamAbbr Week Stadium Location StadiumType Turf GameWeather Temperature Humidity WindSpeed WindDirection
0 2017090700 20170907000118 away 73.91 34.84 1.69 1.13 0.40 81.99 177.18 496723 Eric Berry 29 2017 35 1 14:14:00 NE 3 2 NE 0 0 2543773 SHOTGUN 1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR 6.0 2 DL, 3 LB, 6 DB left 2017-09-08T00:44:06.000Z 2017-09-08T00:44:05.000Z 8 6-0 212 12/29/1988 Tennessee SS NE KC 1 Gillette Stadium Foxborough, MA Outdoor Field Turf Clear and warm 63.0 77.0 8 SW
1 2017090700 20170907000118 away 74.67 32.64 0.42 1.35 0.01 27.61 198.70 2495116 Allen Bailey 97 2017 35 1 14:14:00 NE 3 2 NE 0 0 2543773 SHOTGUN 1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR 6.0 2 DL, 3 LB, 6 DB left 2017-09-08T00:44:06.000Z 2017-09-08T00:44:05.000Z 8 6-3 288 03/25/1989 Miami DE NE KC 1 Gillette Stadium Foxborough, MA Outdoor Field Turf Clear and warm 63.0 77.0 8 SW
2 2017090700 20170907000118 away 74.00 33.20 1.22 0.59 0.31 3.01 202.73 2495493 Justin Houston 50 2017 35 1 14:14:00 NE 3 2 NE 0 0 2543773 SHOTGUN 1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR 6.0 2 DL, 3 LB, 6 DB left 2017-09-08T00:44:06.000Z 2017-09-08T00:44:05.000Z 8 6-3 270 01/21/1989 Georgia DE NE KC 1 Gillette Stadium Foxborough, MA Outdoor Field Turf Clear and warm 63.0 77.0 8 SW
3 2017090700 20170907000118 away 71.46 27.70 0.42 0.54 0.02 359.77 105.64 2506353 Derrick Johnson 56 2017 35 1 14:14:00 NE 3 2 NE 0 0 2543773 SHOTGUN 1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR 6.0 2 DL, 3 LB, 6 DB left 2017-09-08T00:44:06.000Z 2017-09-08T00:44:05.000Z 8 6-3 245 11/22/1982 Texas ILB NE KC 1 Gillette Stadium Foxborough, MA Outdoor Field Turf Clear and warm 63.0 77.0 8 SW
4 2017090700 20170907000118 away 69.32 35.42 1.82 2.43 0.16 12.63 164.31 2530794 Ron Parker 38 2017 35 1 14:14:00 NE 3 2 NE 0 0 2543773 SHOTGUN 1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR 6.0 2 DL, 3 LB, 6 DB left 2017-09-08T00:44:06.000Z 2017-09-08T00:44:05.000Z 8 6-0 206 08/17/1987 Newberry FS NE KC 1 Gillette Stadium Foxborough, MA Outdoor Field Turf Clear and warm 63.0 77.0 8 SW